
Medieval Philosophy: A Multicultural Reader

Medieval Philosophy: A Multicultural Reader
-5% Rabatt. 44,50€
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  • Schriftsteller Foltz, Bruce
  • ISBN13 9781472580399
  • ISBN10 1472580397
  • Gegenstandsart Buch
  • Buchseiten 736
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2019
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Bindung Taschenbuch

Medieval Philosophy: A Multicultural Reader

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Medieval Philosophy: A Multicultural Reader comprises a comparative, multicultural reading of the four main traditions of the medieval period with extensive sections on Greek-Byzantine, Latin, Jewish, and Islamic traditions. The book also includes an initial 'Predecessors' section, presenting readings (with introductions) from figures of antiquity upon whom all four traditions have drawn.Representative readings from each of the four great traditions are presented chronologically in four different tracks, along with engaging and accessible introductions to the traditions themselves, as well as each individual thinker-all selected and presented by noted scholars within each respective tradition.

This groundbreaking collection:

-Offers readings from early thinkers that contextualize the medieval traditions.-Presents, for the first time, extensive readings from the Byzantine Christian tradition that has wielded an important cultural influence from Russia and the Balkans to the Middle East and Northern Africa.-Chooses and interprets texts that are integrally important within each of these four traditions?living traditions that continue to shape values and beliefs today?rather than seen from an external point of view, such as that of a later school of philosophy.-Juxtaposes extensive readings from poetic and mystical elements within these traditions alongside the usual, often more analytical readings.-Features a timeline of the entire period, a map indicating the locations associated with philosophers included in this volume, an annotated guide to further reading on each of these traditions, and an index of names and of subjects that appear in the volume.Given its relevance for approaching the medieval world on its own terms, as well as for understanding the foundations of our own world, the volume is intended not only as an academic textbook and reference work, but as a readable and informative guide for the general reader who wishes to understand these great philosophical and religious traditions that continue to influence our world today-or perhaps to simply glean the wisdom from these enduring texts.This is a culturally inclusive title, which seeks to provide the reader with a rich, varied and comprehensive insight into the entirety of the medieval philosophical world.

Foreward (Bernard McGinn, Naomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology and of the History of Christianity, University of Chicago, USA)List of ContributorsIntroduction (Bruce Foltz, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Eckerd College, USA)Part 1: Ancient Philosophy as a Spiritual Tradition: Predecessors of Medieval Philosophy (Editor: Eric Perl, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University,USA)1. Plato: Selections from, Phaedrus, Timaeus, Symposium, Republic2. Aristotle: Selections from Nicomachean Ethics, On the Soul, Metaphysics3. Cicero: Selections from On the Nature of the Gods4. Epictetus: Selections from Handbook5. Plotinus: Selections from Enneads6. Proclus: Selections from Elements of Theology and Commentary on Plato's ?Parmenides?Part 2. The Greek Tradition (Editor: David Bradshaw, Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky, USA)1. Justin Martyr: Selections from First Apology and Second Apology2. Ireneaus, Selections from Against Heresies3. Clement of Alexandria: Selections from Stromata4. Origen: Selections from On First Principles5. Athanasius: Selections from On the Incarnation and Against the Arians6. Basil of Caesarea: Selections from The Long Rules, Hexaemeron, Epistle 234, On the Holy Spirit, That God Is Not the Cause of Evil7. Gregory Nazianzen, Selections from Orations8. Gregory of Nyssa: Selections from On Virginity, Life of Moses9. Evagrius of Pontus, Selections from Praktikos, On Thoughts, On Prayer10. John Chrysostom, Selections from Homilies 6, 3, 4, 45, 16, 811. Dionysius the Areopagite: Selections from Divine Names; Mystical Theology; Celestial Hierarchy12. Philoponus: Selections from Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World13. Maximus the Confessor: Selections from Centuries on Charity; Chapters on Theology and Economy; Mystagogy; Ambigua14. John of Damascus: Selections from On the Orthodox Faith and Defense of the Holy Icons15. Symeon the New Theologian: Selections from Catechetical Discourses and Hymns16. Gregory Palamas: Selections from TriadsPart 3. The Latin Christian Tradition (Editor: Peter Casarella, Associate Professor of Theology, Notre Dame University, USA)1. Augustine: Selections from Confessions and De Civitate Dei2. Boethius: Selections from The Consolation of Philosophy3. John Scottus Eriugena: Selections from On the Division of Nature (Periphyseon)4. Anselm: Selections from Proslogion5. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio: Selections from Itinerarium mentis in Deum6. Thomas Aquinas: Selections from On Being and Essence and Summa Theologiae7. Marguerite Porete: Selections from The Mirror of Simple Souls8. Meister Eckhart: Selections from German Sermons and Parisian Questions9. John Duns Scotus: Selections from Ordinatio10. William of Ockham: Selections from Summa Logicae11. Nicholas of Cusa: Selections from On Learned IgnorancePart 4: The Jewish Tradition (Editor: Sarah Pessin, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Denver, USA)1. Overview2. Introduction to Rabbinic, Midrashic, and Early Mystical Writings3. Selections from Babylonian Talmud4. Selections from Sifre Numbers5. Selections from Midrash Rabbah6. Selections from Sefer Ye?irah (The Book of Creation)7. Selections from Zohar8. Philo: Selections from On the Creation and Allegorical Interpretations9. Isaac Israeli: Selections from Book of Substances, Book of Spirit and Soul, Mantua Text10. Saadya: Selections from The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs11. Ibn Gabirol, Selections from Ahavtikha, Genesis Commentary, Fons Vitae, The Improvement of the Moral Qualities12. Judah Halevi: Selections of Poetry and Selections from Kuzari13. Bahya Ibn Pequda, Selections from Duties of the Heart14. Moses Maimonides, Selections from Guide of the Perplexed and Commentary on the Mishnah15. Gersonides, Selections from Wars of the LordPart 5: The Islamic Tradition (Editor: Mohammad Azadpur, Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University, USA)1. Selections from Theology of Aristotle2. Razi: Selections from The Book of Philosophical Life and The Proofs of Prophecy3. Alfarabi: Selections from Attainment of Happiness and On the Intellect4. Avicenna, Selections from De Anima of the Book of Salvation and The Metaphysics of the Healing5. Ghazzali: Selections from Deliverance from Evil6. Ibn Tufayl: Selections from ?ayy Ibn Yaq?an, a Philosophical Tale7. Averroes: Selections from Decisive Treatise Determining What the Connection is between Religion and Philosophy8. Suhrawardi: Selections from The Philosophy of Illumination9. Ibn Arabi: Selections from Meccan Revelations10. Mulla Sadra: Selections from The Wisdom of the Throne TimelineMapsSuggestions for Further ReadingSourcesIndex

  • Schriftsteller Foltz, Bruce
  • ISBN13 9781472580399
  • ISBN10 1472580397
  • Gegenstandsart Buch
  • Buchseiten 736
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2019
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Bindung Taschenbuch